Your pathway starting point: choose from virtual rounds or future public health leaders
This is your entry point into the HCCP program. Choose a clinical track by starting with Virtual Rounds (VR) or a public health track with Future Public Health Leaders (FPHL). Each provides you with clinical or industry exposure and shadowing hours which can be used to support your application to health professions schools or public health graduate programs. You will learn from a gamut of clinical specialists or public health professionals, providing you with a breadth of information and guidance as you consider potential careers. After completing VR or FPHL, you will be eligible to participate in other HCCP programs listed below.

You will work in groups with other students to evaluate a patient using Kaplan’s iHUMAN virtual simulation of a real clinical encounter. In preparation for health professional school, you will also learn how to present these cases. To help you practice, you will present to Washington Permanente Medical Group clinicians, who then discuss how similar patients are managed in real-life.

If you enroll in the HCCP program, our team will coordinate shadowing for your cohort group. Should you choose not to enroll in HCCP, general shadowing is available. See the Clinical Learning page for general shadowing instructions.
After completing prerequisites, you will have a chance to be mentored one-on-one by one of our Washington Permanente Medical Group physicians for 9 months. Mentorship opportunities are limited, so we prioritize those closer to applying to health professional schools.
To verify your certification as a graduate of the Health Care Careers Pathway contact [email protected]
Alumni wishing to connect with peers, please join our Slack channel at